Cover Image for AI Salon: Incentives
Cover Image for AI Salon: Incentives
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30 Going

AI Salon: Incentives

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San Francisco, California
Past Event
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About Event

This AI Salon event, hosted by the SuperHuman Society, invites you to engage in an intimate conversation among participants as we explore the relationship between AI products and incentive structures. Our discussion will center on questions such as:

  • How do incentive models influence AI product development and behavior?

  • What are the potential risks and benefits of current incentives?

  • How can we design incentive systems that promote ethical AI products and outcomes?

This is an in-person event. To facilitate smooth and cohesive conversations, we kindly ask attendees to arrive within the first 15 minutes of the event.

Superhuman Society aims to reimagine our relationship with technology, advocating for the intentional design of systems that enhance our human potential and dignity.

The AI Salon is a vibrant community in San Francisco, focused on small-sized group discussions about the sociological, economic, cultural, and philosophical impacts of AI developments. We offer a platform for diverse viewpoints and in-depth dialogue.

Please register to see the exact location of this event.
San Francisco, California
Avatar for SuperHuman Society
30 Going